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11 Interventions in the 10 Days of Your Dying
"Wildflowers--Such color, such petal-work on the trail behind our village: Queen Annes lace, daisies, goldenrod, wild pea, purple vetch, thistle, meadowsweetI gather them, remembrance of splendor, to bring home to you." Trebbe Johnson shares more in this exquisite collage of memories from a beloved partner's last days. ... posted on Aug 23 2023, 2,875 reads


The Great Animal Orchestra
Your imagination does the work at The Great Animal Orchestra -- you just sit in a dark room and listen...the exhibition immerses visitors into soundscapes from remote parts of the planet: seven of them, from the tropics to the tundra. No wildlife footage accompanies this symphony of wild animals. It's audio first, in a visually overstimulating world. "The basic message is that the soundscapes of t... posted on Aug 22 2023, 1,945 reads


How to Become a 100 Percenter
The term 100 percenter is inspired by Charly and Lisa Kleissner, tech entrepreneurs who wanted to invest their money in a meaningful way, and inspire others to do the same. That's why they started the 100 percent impact network, which brings together likeminded people who invest all of their assets into social and environmental causes. Now, these are some serious investors, but being 100 percent i... posted on Aug 21 2023, 2,920 reads


The Birdsong Project
"Randall Poster is Hollywood's man with the golden ear, a renowned matchmaker of sound and image. When a filmmaker wants a soundtrack to create a certain mood or needs just the right tune to lend a scene punch or poignancy, Poster's phone rings. Now the man behind your favorite film soundtracks wants to build a joyful movement around bird conservation. What began as a loose idea for a musical bene... posted on Aug 20 2023, 1,952 reads


From the Ground Up: The Art of Place
"I survey this parcel of land that I have the honor of tending. It is the first place in my adult life where I feel rooted and held by the land, much like my childhood in the woods. This is the place where I learned about honorable stewardship. It is an awareness that now extends beyond my yard. This is the place where I learned to garden. I learned ways to heal the land and cultivate sustainable ... posted on Aug 19 2023, 1,594 reads


Cloudy is the Stuff of Stones
"Whenever I'm outside for more than ten minutes I start picking up rocks. In Patagonia, in Phoenix, in a Home Depot parking lot -- my gaze is invariably sucked downward into the gravel. I weigh the merits of pebbles by some fickle and mutable aesthetic and either pitch them back or pocket them and stack them among hundreds of their brethren on the counter behind our kitchen sink like fortification... posted on Aug 18 2023, 1,567 reads


Fumi Imamura's Floral Works
" What interests me about the plant world is that plants have no cranial nerves and relate to the world as open internal organs. I came to know this as the idea of the anatomist Shigeo Miki. The novelist Kyusaku Yumeno said that 'the brain is not a place to think', while Shigeo Miki said that 'the brain is merely a mirror reflecting the internal organs'. We tend to think that the brain is the esse... posted on Aug 17 2023, 1,415 reads


Hope and Feathers
"Africa is a place we all have in common. It is the widely acknowledged cradle of humankind, as most anthropologists agree that our hominid ancestors likely evolved there. So an Evolutionary Eve, mother to all of us regardless of race, ethnicity, or nationality, likely padded across the African plains. Given this multimillion-year perspective, I or anyone else should've been awestruck at the prosp... posted on Aug 16 2023, 1,360 reads


Eating the Wild
"In recent decades, and especially since the Covid-19 pandemic, there has been a growing interest in foraging and cooking with food gathered from the countryside around us. In this article, Charlotte Maberly talks to the distinguished Scottish food writer Fi Martynoga about the benefits of eating wild food, and also looks at the history of the movement and its wider implications in terms of health... posted on Aug 15 2023, 1,211 reads


The Many Lives of Water
"The water present with us on Earth has been here since the beginning of time. People have long journeyed to distant hot springs, mineral pools, misty waterfalls, and formidable geysers for the promise of waters endowed healing properties. In almost every religion, water has the ability to absorb prayers and bestow blessings. "Water holds memories since time began and has a living spirit just like... posted on Aug 14 2023, 2,433 reads


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Quote Bulletin

All children are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.
Pablo Picasso

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